An Era of Breakthroughs in Gynecologic Oncology

Photo by Modestas Urbonas, CC0 License
23 - 24 maggio 2023
Verduno (CN), Auditorium Ferrero Hospital
Meeting Directors: Alessandro Buda Pedro T. Ramirez
From diagnosis to therapy
Alessandro Buda
Ospedale Michele e Pietro Ferrero, Verduno, Italy
Pedro T. Ramirez
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA
The meeting aims to discuss the main changes that have occurred in recent years in the care of women with gynecological cancer.
Evidence-based medicine represents a cornerstone of the physician of the new millennium, and thanks to the refinement of diagnostic techniques and with the increasingly sophisticated technologies, compared to the past, can look with more confidence to a personalized medicine for the various categories of women.
The innovations of genomics and molecular markers are making possible a more “precise” treatment strategies that are increasingly dedicated and modulated for each individual woman.
Precision medicine is making great strides not only in surgery, but also in the management of hereditary-familial syndromes associated with ovarian or uterine cancers. The opportunity of analyzing the genetic heritage of each individual can indeed allow to identify an personalized therapeutic strategy with likely a greater chances of success.
There are therefore many answers already given, but many questions remain open and debated.
Many Italian and international colleagues will join the meeting. From Italy: Chiara Benedetto, Elsa Viora, Paolo Zola, Alberto Revelli, Annamaria Ferrero, Stefania Perotto from Piedmont; the Directors of the Piedmontese Oncology Network; from Lazio Giovanni Scambia, Francesco Fanfani, Gianfranco Zannoni, Ketta Lorusso, Antonia Carla Testa, Francesca Ciccarone, Enrico Vizza; from Lombardy Francesco Raspagliesi, Giovanni Aletti, Robert Fruscio, Mauro Signorelli, Roldano Fossati, Giuseppe D’Agostino; from Friuli Venezia Giulia Giuseppe Vizielli.
They will be joined by prestigious leading experts of the Gynecologic Oncology community including Pedro Tomas Ramirez from MD Anderson Cancer Houston, Nadeem Abu-Rustum from Memorial Sloan KetteringCancerCenter,NewYork, DavidCibulafromCharlesUniversity Prague, Natalia Rodriguez from Vall Hebron Institute, Barcelona, Spain and Ignacio Zapardiel from Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain.
The patronage of numerous Scientific Societies will be requested such as ESGO, AOGOI-SIEOG-SEGI, as well as that of the MITO and MANGO study groups.
Symposia Organizzazione Congressi Srl
Provider Standard Age.Na.S. n. 486
Piazza Campetto, 2/8 - 16123 Genova
Tel. 010 255146
E - W
Michele and Pietro Ferrero Hospital
Via Tanaro 7 - Verduno (CN)