International Symposium Diagnosis and Management of Late Fetal Growth Restiction

Photo by Modestas Urbonas, CC0 License
8 - 9 febbraio 2019
Roma, Ospedale Cristo Re - Virginia Bracelli S.p.A.
Presidenti: Giuseppe Rizzo, Carlo Piscitelli
Ufficio Formazione
Annamaria Sanna
Uff.: 06 61245601 - Cell.: 335 1301209
Fetal growth restriction (FGR) refers to a condition in which a fetus is unable to achieve its genetically determined potential size. This functional definition seeks ti identify a population of fetuses at risk for modifiable but otherwise poop outcomes. This definition intentionally excludes of fetuses that are small for gestational age (SGA) but are not pathologically small.
SGA is defined as growth at the 10th or less percentile for weight of all fetuses at that gestational age. Not all fetuses that are SGA are pathologically growth restricted and, in fact, may be constitutionally small.
Similarly, not all fetuses that have not met their genetic growth potential are in less than the 10th percentile for estimated fetal weight (EFW).
FGR that occurs early in gestation are easy to identify, while cases that occurs in the last part of pregnancies (Late FGR) are extremely difficult to identify and manage.
This Symposium will focus on the clinician's challenge to identify late FGR fetuses whose health ie endangered in utero because of a hostile intrauterine environment and to monitor and intervene appropriately. This challenge also includes identifying small but healthy fetuses and avoiding iatrogenic harm to them of their mother.
All the aspect of late FGR will covered, including ultrasound diagnosis, monitoring with Doppler velocimetry, timing of delivery, monitoring in labor and postnatal short and long term outcomes. These topics will be covered by an international faculty. By attending the Symposium you'll hear from a fusion of world-renowed speakers presenting on the most up-to-date research and experience a leading event in ultrasound.
Provider ECM
ItalyMeeting srl n. 3897