Global Congress on Hysteroscopy

Photo by Modestas Urbonas, CC0 License
2-5 maggio 2017
Barcellona, Spain
The CCIB - Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona, the Barcelona International Convention Centre
Dear Friends And Colleagues,
We are proud to invite you to the Global Congress on Hysteroscopy to be held in Barcelona, Spain, on the 3rd-5th of May 2017.
Our scientific committee have developed a scientific program which guarantees the participation of the most relevant speakers in hysteroscopy. This congress will provide you with the opportunity to learn about the latest procedure techniques, clinical advances and international developments in practice and treatment of endometrial pathology.
We, a group of gynecologists passionate about hysteroscopy, have decided almost two years ago to initiate a process of spreading the word through the first international publication dedicated exclusively to hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopy Newsletter assembled the first international group of hysteroscopy experts, independently of the various international societies.
The Global Congress on Hysteroscopy will offer attendees many opportunities for the dissemination, discussion and debate of the new and most relevant information on hysteroscopy procedures with especial emphasis on office procedures, the newest scientific information on endometrial cavity pathology with a clear central interest on myomas, fertility and ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology). During the sessions attendees will have the opportunity to direct questions to the speakers.
The program will cover, among others, the following topics in plenary sessions:
- Hysteroscopy and ART
- The place of hysteroscopy in the fertility patients
- The challenge of the submucous myoma
- Uterine malformations
- The future of hysteroscopy.
Furthermore, debates on controversial topics, a pre-congress course and tips & tricks practical sessions will be held during the congress days.
The organizing committee will endeavor to provide not just an outstanding scientific program but also a superb social program, which will allow all participants to enjoy the great atmosphere that makes Barcelona one of the most wonderful cities in the world.
This landmark event is not to be missed!
We are looking forward to seeing you in Barcelona in May 2017!
Prof. Sergio Haimovich, Chair of the Global Congress on Hysteroscopy
For more information:
Tel.: (+34) 935 953 500